
Dr. Aalo Eller
Dr. Aalo Eller graduated from the Sports Medicine Department of the University of Tartu, Faculty of Medicine in 1971, completed an internship. In 1979-80, Dr. Eller spent 1 year as an intern at the Advanced Institute of Physicians in Budapest. Repeated additional trainings at Orton Orthopedic Clinic in Helsinki, AO center in Davos, external fracture fixation training in Kurgan. Seminars and courses in Kuopio, Bled and in Estonia. He published more than 50 research articles, and acquired a science degree in 1982.
Dr. Eller works as an orthopedist at Tartu University Hospital, Sports Medicine Clinic, Orthopedics Clinic and MEDEX Private Day Surgery Clinic. He was an associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of University of Tartu until his retirement, at the moment he is an emeritus associate professor.
Dr. Eller fills his free time with reading and sports, he likes to ski in the winter, and play golf in the summer.

Dr. Leho Rips
Dr. Leho Rips has acquired medical education and surgical training in traumatology and orthopedics at the University of Tartu. He then practiced as a consulting orthopedist at the University of Tartu Clinic. He has been working part-time in various Finnish hospitals since 2005. He has a traumatology and orthopedic surgeon's license issued by the Finnish authorities. Since 2008, Dr. Leho Rips has been working at the MEDEX Day Surgery Private Clinic. He specializes in arthroscopic surgery and has a keen interest in sports injuries. Dr. Rips is recognized as one of Estonia's leading experts in shoulder arthroscopic surgery. He is a frequent lecturer at national and international courses and conferences. He is a member of the Estonian Society of Traumatology and Orthopedics, the European Society of Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy, and a member of AO ALUMNI and AO Trauma Europe.

Dr. Reedik Pääsuke
Dr. Reedik Pääsuke completed his basic education at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tartu in 2010, and his orthopedic residency in 2015. In addition, Dr. Pääsuke has done internships at Klinikum Rechts der Isar of Technische Universität München in Germany, Kurume University Hospital in Japan, Kansai Medical University Hospital in Osaka, Juntendo University Hospital in Tokyo.
Currently, Dr. Pääsuke works in the Department of Traumatology at the Traumatology and Orthopedics Clinic of the Tartu University Hospital, Medex Day Surgery Private Clinic and Valga Hospital. At the same time, he is engaged in teaching and research work at the University of Tartu. During his residency, he has worked in many Estonian hospitals: North Estonia Medical Center, East-Tallinn Central Hospital, Orthopedic Doctors, Rakvere Hospital, Ida-Viru Central Hospital. In addition, Estonia deals with various combat athletes, has been the chief medic of MMA RAJU; is also JK Tammeka's doctor and associated with youth football teams.
In his free time, Dr. Pääsuke by learning and teaching martial arts, strength training. Likes to travel and learn about other cultures. Annual training trips to Japan have become a tradition.

Dr. Vello Linnamäe
Dr. Linnamäe graduated from the University of Tartu in 1979. After graduating from university, Dr. Linnamäe worked as a general surgeon at Haapsalu Hospital. In the years 1986-1988, he completed the Clinical Ordinance at Mustamäe Hospital, specializing in traumatology-orthopedics, and then worked in the orthopedics department of Keila Hospital. Since 2005 started working in the orthopedics department of North Estonia Medical Center. Professionally, Dr Linnamäe has acquired professional experience in Finland, Sweden, England, Switzerland and the USA in various hospitals and . Since 1988 is a member of the Estonian Society of Traumatologists and Orthopedists. In 2005, Dr. Linnamäe was awarded the title of Doctor of the Year.

Dr. Tiina Tikk
Lõpetasin Tartu Ülikooli arstiteaduskonna 2017. aastal ja 5 aastat hiljem ortopeedia erialaõppe. Ortopeedia residentuuri raames olen töötanud nii Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumis, Põhja-Eesti Regionaalhaiglas kui läbinud erialatsükleid erinevates haiglates: Ortopeedia Arstid, Taastava Kirurgia Kliinik, Ida-Tallinna Keskhaigla Lülisambakirurgia keskus, Helsingi Ülikooli haigla Luutuumorite keskus ja Aarhusi Ülikooli haigla Lasteortopeedia kliinik. Töötan Viljandi haiglas ortopeedina ja nooremteadurina Tartu Ülikoolis doktorantuuris.

Dr. Vello Linnamäe
Olen lõpetanud Tartu Tervishoiu Kõrgkooli füsioteraapia eriala. Hetkel on lõpetamisel Tartu Ülikoolis füsioteraapia magistriõpe. Lisaks Medexi erakliinikule töötan Tartu Ülikooli Kliinikumis ambulatoorses taastusravis traumatoloogiliste patsientidega. Lisaks füsioterapeudi ametile naudin väga ka tööd treenerina - 15 aasta jooksul olen juhendanud erinevaid rühmatreeninguid ja personaaltreeninguid. Vaba aja armastan suuremas osas veeta aega oma kahe lapsega ning tihti leiab mind jõusaalist, jooksu-, suusa- ja matkaradadelt.

Irja Nikolayeva
Irja Nikolajeva graduated from the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy of the University of Tartu in 1980. Since 1982, Irja has worked as a physiotherapist. Before starting work at Medex Private Clinic, Irja worked at Tartu University Hospital and Võru Central Hospital.
In her free time, Irja loves to hike, read and do sports in nature.